Nationalization of business banks and formation of regional rural banks initiated social banking
for upliftment of BPL population, small farmers and artisans but couldn't make satisfactory progress
during this regard. Rural people specifically face variety of problems in undertaking economic activities
i.e. non-availability of credit, lack of organizational skills, illiteracy, gender inequality, discrimination on the
premise of caste, religion, including conservative mindset and lack of confidence. Regardless of legal
provision "Women are often denied property and inheritance rights, their freedom are restricted by social
norms. Hence, healthy atmosphere be created to develop women particularly. Micro finance recognized
as a conspicuous tool to eradicate poverty, generating income activities and employment opportunities
especially within the developing countries. Indeed micro finance in recent times has recognized as a
robust tool for socio-economic empowerment of rural poor women within the world. Everywhere the
state there's a realization that the most effective way to tackle poverty and enable the community to
boost its quality and standing of life, through social mobilization of poor, especially women through self
help group. Ever since independence of India, variety of innovative schemes is launched for the
upliftment of poor women in our country. The policy makers now identified the necessity to uplift the poor
neglected section of the society, unless and until we uplift the poor neglected section of the society, the
dream of socio-economic development of poor women, especially within the developing countries, can’t
be materialized.
KEYWORDS: Women Empowerment, Sustain, Poverty Eradication, Upliftment, Development.


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