COVID-19 has spread to quite 110 countries up to now, with many seeing a steep rise in new infections. Besides this human impact, the corona virus also has the potential to trigger a financial condition. The introduction of corona Virus has flashed a good impact on the whole world economy. This has affected a lot of people as whole industrial channelization has gone down. It’s upended the full trade and commerce at the world. India was encountering significant slowdown over the past 5 Quarters up to 31st December 2019. The half-moon of current year (2019-20) has ended with six years lowest economic process rate of 4.7 percent. The entire world has gone into Lockdown of several days. Even after the lock down the people are so scared to return out and be involved within the economic activities like before, that it becoming very challenging round the world to be normal. As we said that India isn't an exception to the present, it's in contact economic pressure and long run consequences on Indian Industries, resulting the declining the economic stabilization. Within the third quarter of the present fiscal, the economy grew at a six-year low rate of 4.7%. There was a powerful hope of recovery within the half-moon of this fiscal. However, the new corona virus epidemic has made the recovery extremely difficult within the just about medium term. This research paper has been undertaken to guage the above mentioned impact and measuring the effect of Corona Virus together with certain positive side discussion.


Keywords: Corona Virus, Pandemic, Economic Struggle, Implications, Survival Strategies.


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