The Digital India programme is an initiative was taken to make sure that the citizens are becoming engaged within the innovation process which is critical for the economic process and sustainable development of the country. Digital India could is perhaps a dream project of the Government to ensure that government services are easily available to all citizens in an electronically format by expansion of online infrastructure along with development of the effectiveness of Internet connectivity with one mission and one target that's to require nation forward digitally and economically. Each of those areas may be a complex program in itself and cuts across multiple Ministries and Departments. So as to understand the complete potential of this programme, it's necessary to deal with certain challenges within the way of its successful implementation like digital illiteracy, poor infrastructure, low internet speed, lack of coordination among various departments, issue per taxation etc. However still the efforts made by the government at central level along with the efforts of various state government has made it possible for all to improve the infrastructure of Information Technology to easily connect the entire country. In this Pandemic of CORONA as we can see the maximum mistrial and administrative communication is through online mode. Eve our prime mister is addressing the world on 26th Sep, 2020 through the Electronic Media. Hence the work made by the government is definitely and undoubtedly benefitting and showing the fruits of the plantation made by them.


Keywords: Information Technology, CORONA, Road Map, Infrastructure, Industrial Growth.


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