Gender inequality in India is because of economic and social organization, which is because of formal and informal norms and related practices. This status and position of women’s generally and specifically rural women isn't satisfactory. Though women are almost adequate to men in numbers but they're still deprived lot in our society. Women are still treated as the second rated citizen or subordinate to men altogether in almost all major fields of life i.e., social, economical and political. Theoretically women are considered important and equal partners in process of development but in practice they're generally ignored and dominance of males in society is clearly visible and felt. Women generally and poor women specifically are the foremost vulnerable section of developing societies. Reason for this status of women is that men since the time memorial are regarded to be the income earners for family, where women’s job has been confined to the household. Women are thus not prominent and unremunerated for his or her household work. Even when because of economic or financial situations women were compelled to get out of house to figure it's put multiple burdens on her of domestic work, children welfare and income earning. These multiple roles have resulted in hampering of their health and well being. the full idea of entrepreneurship among women is to form them self-dependent (financially) by earning their own income and also to lend their support to family and further to contribute in development of community as a full. Women’s capacity to alter their lives through the assistance of entrepreneurship and financial resources depends on many factors like status or position of women in group, her independent situation and environment during which she resides. Women are making their careers in numerous sectors, but only few have achieved positions at the decision-making level or being member of governing bodies that influence media policy. Women’s faces great discrimination in their access to education, economic, social and health services access worldwide. While on the opposite side the range of economic activities of women is extremely broad in developing countries. It includes self-employment in farming, formal and informal sector, crafts production, trading etc.


Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Self-Dependent, Women’s Capacity, Directive Principles, Enactment.


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