The India specially the Rural area has seen number of good and Bad phases since independence. Rural development has been a vital issue for states with sizable amount of rural population as various programmes were launched for the event of poor and marginal people living in rural areas. Role of rural areas in development of the country like India needs no proof because it is clear from the orientation of presidency policies that rural areas are acting as drive engines for growth of the country. The government within the recent past has framed numerous schemes and programmes for the event of rural areas of the country so as to tap the resources for betterment of rural masses. The use scheme like MGNREGA holds special importance for developing states like Bihar which has faced great challenges in development process thanks to its tough hilly topography and geographical constraints. In 2005 the Indian assemble has sanctioned with the consent of President of India, an act named “National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA)”, which is intended the central government’s response to constitutional right of people to find out a method of market livelihood security in India's rural areas. To the present end, the Act guarantees 100 days of annual employment at statutory remuneration rates to any rural household whose adult members are willing to try and do unskilled manual work. Undoubtedly NREGA is a very important as well as an unique idea for various long terms problem of employment and poverty as well as Social Security in Rural Areas. Except for academic perspective on the necessity, relevance and justification for the MGNREGA, it also seeks to ascertain a dialogue between academics and policy makers with people who are performing at grass root level to observe the functioning of the MGNREGA. Another objective of the paper is to pile up of these diverse experiences on a typical platform to make some common understandings on the issues faced in implementation of MGNREGA and also to be told from the successes in implementing MGNREGA.
KEYWORDS: Rural India, Environment, Unskilled, Social Challenges, Historical Development.