Non Banking Finance companies are those financial Institutions which work on the same lines as of Banking Companies. They Accept deposits from public and provide credit facility for developing the credit platform. It helped in converting the retail unused resourced of public of small amount, into a huge fund for creating and developing the credit mechanism through channelizing these resources. This is how they converted the scared financial resources into capital formation to help growth of Indian economy. Non Banking Finance companies are more helpful to those borrowers whose credit facility is rejected by Banks due to their strict norms. It plays an important role in managing the financial services and contributes around twenty four percent in the GDP if Indian economy, where as Banks contribute only around twenty one percent. This has come out as Credit bridge gap filling between the small scale, small borrowers and unorganized sector by fulfilling the financial needs of this sector which remained unfulfilled. On the other hand the Small needs of corporate also get satisfied through this channel. Since the Non Financial Institutions plays a significant contribution not only in National GDP but also in terms of fulfilling the financial need of a very large portion of country, hence their Financial and Operational Performance matters a lot. This is always a subject matter of study how Non Banking Finance companies perform better than Banks. Hence the present study has been undertaken with the view to evaluate structure and Financial Position of Non banking Finance companies. For the study selected ratios and figures have analyzed using statistical Techniques and conclusion have been drawn regarding their overall performance.



Keywords: Credit Facility, Credit Creation, Gross Domestic Production, Indian Economy.


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