Remember the ancient time when people was limited to their own area which could be a city or a state of probable a country, for their trade and service, in all material respect that is for Gods and services they deal, the finance as well as the labour which they suppose to use for their business. What was the impact of it? The whole business was limited to particular span. The globalization gives an opportunity for cross boarder movement of trade & Services, capital and finance. To define the globalization, the better words will be, share of knowledge, Technology, information, and finance, through cultural integration of two or more economies with intention to go cross border. It converts the small market into a huge one by making it international and by removing the all Trade Barriers. It also results in the form of availability of several things to several people. However looking into so many numbers of positive traits we forgot to look into the darkest part of the Globalization for India. India’s business industry is still dominated by the Small scale industries. Around forty five percent portion of total business including exports is through small scale industries and same for employment generation through industries. However due to the process of globalization an unequal competition has generated between the Giant MNC’s and small scale industries. Hence a study becomes essential need to find out the impact of Globalization on small scale industries. This research paper light the impact of Globalization on small scale industries in respect to employment, production, investment and exports.



Keywords: Globalization, Cross Boarder Competition, Employment Effect, Empirical Evaluation.


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