An organization can be said to be the sum of what its employees can achieve individually, hence it is of prime importance that companies take action to ensure that the employees give their peak performance. In the corporate world training and development has become an indispensable phenomenon. Training plays an important role in the capable and challenging format of business. Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better, increase productivity and be better leaders. Development is a process that leads to qualitative as well as quantitative advancements in the organization, especially at the managerial level; it is less considered with physical skills and is more concerned with knowledge, values, attitudes and behaviour in addition to specific skills. Hence, development can be said as a continuous process whereas training has specific areas and objectives. So, every organization needs to study the role, importance and advantages of training and its positive impact on development for the growth of the organization. Quality of work life is a process in which the organization recognizes its responsibility for the excellence of organizational performance as well as employee skills. Training implies constructive development in such organizational motives for optimum enhancement of the quality of work-life of the employees. These types of training and development programs help in improving the employee behaviour and attitude towards the job and also uplift their morale. Thus, employee training and development programs are important aspects which are needed to be studied and focused on. This paper focuses and analyses the literature findings on the importance of training and development and its relation with the employees’ quality of work life. This paper aims to provide a synthetic review of the literature on training and development. Review of literature justifies the reason for our research. It demonstrates the topic. It narrates a brief elaboration of prior studies. Prior research will help us to ensure that we have included all of our major relevant constructs in our study. It talks about the knowledge of our field which allows us to identify the gap which our research could fill and also strength’s the topic that we chose for our research. The literature review will help us to find and select appropriate measurement instruments. The literature review is needed because it is a necessary skill both for researchers and for practitioners of a profession which claims to be founded on a knowledge base and also to locate and summarize the findings of research on a given topic not uncritically but assessing the evidence and for the argument to sustain the conclusions. It is also useful to obviate the need for fresh research or to replicate the study. Polit and Hungler in the year (2001) stated that the term “Literature Review” is often used to cover both the process of searching for relevant literature and the critical reporting of the literature. Cormack in the year (1991) stated that “Literature Review” means to systematically read, critically appraise, and then synthesize the material into a coherent, structured, and logical review of the literature. The study described here is a vigilant assessment of literature on fundamental of the employee development program and its benefits to organizations and employees.



Keywords: Human Resource Management, Training, Development and Quality of Work Life.


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