The business world is now left with the harsh words of competition that is “Cut Throat Competition”. This is not at all a new term but its significance is increasing day by day.  In the earlier year of last century especially up to 4 decades, financing capital and arranging technology was a great task, and was not easily available. But with increase of globalization, neither the finance nor the technology remains a problem longer. The whole world is open for finance to all the entrepreneurs and cross boarder finance is expensing greatly.  Even the finance is now not a property of few capitalist or bankers or financiers, rather small financiers like joint ventures, venture funding, individual investment, angel funding etc. are the options available worldwide and cross boarder too. So what is the factor that is making competition more competitive? In this competitive world every country is fighting to prove its skill, ability and competence.  Now a day’s successful means human ability and their ability and skill must be at the highest level and peak. In this approach the management of Human force becomes a very difficult task and no longer easy as it was years back. Policies followed in ancient time are now no longer useful in managing the people at workplace. Each organization has to set out policy considering its own state of business, work force and finance availably. But the question is how? And this we are trying to discuss in this article.



Keywords: Human Resource, Ethical Issues, Policy Management, International Trend.


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