It is well established by various studies that education plays a very important role in the overall empowerment of the women of any society. Education gives the confidence to the women to survive and to struggle in everyday life. Since females are always exploited from ancient time. Male dominant society always in favour of males and women become victims of male. Education of women is always undermined and they have not sufficient opportunities for education as male. Due to the lack of education women are not acquainted with their rights. They are always indulged in household activities and the operations of agriculture. Their whole day is spent in cooking food, cutting of woods and water for family, fodder for livestock etc. Sometimes they have to walk about 5 to 10 km. to fetch water. Due to their unawareness they face various crimes done by the male dominant society. Sexual abuse is a normal crime against the women in Indian society. Thus females always get exploited by the society from ancient times and the situation has not changed even in modern times. Still education facilities for females are very limited and the enrollment ratio of girls in school and colleges is very small. Dropout ratio of girls is higher than of boys. Thus due to lack of education their marriages are done in childhood. Present studies try to find out the role of education in the overall empowerment of women in Rajasthan.


Keywords: Education, Women Empowerment, Income, Expenditure, Quality of Life.


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