The worst crisis being faced by the human population ever since world war II, has been created by COVID-19. Over 200 countries have been severely affected due to the outbreak of the aforesaid disease. The COVID-19 has once again proved the fragility of our life. The virus has largely changed the way in which we live, work, move around and perform our day to day functions. The virus is taking within its hold the entire activities carried on by human beings and its effects are being felt at multiple levels resulting in economic slowdown. Most of the workforce is confined to their homes and daily wage workers are on the verge of starvation. In recent times it has been noticed that people from lower income group are walking back to their villages covering thousands of kilometers and facing the toughest road condition without food for several days. Business operations have come to a standstill and the workforce has been rendered jobless. Children and the aged too have been confined in their homes over a long period of time. Thus the virus has impacted the lives of the entire population across the globe. An outbreak from China has gone everywhere. In the last few months, Corona’s epicenter has been shifted from China to Europe to the United States. Till date, over 5.1 million people had been affected by COVID-19 and about 3.3 lakh people have died worldwide. Indirectly, billions of people have been suffering from the impact of the global pandemic caused by COVID-19. In India, various states have been exposed to a situation of complete lockdown which has led employers to ponder upon how they can keep their people safe, contain the spread of the virus and continue their operations effectively during this unprecedented crisis.


Keywords: COVID-19, Corona Virus, Economic Slowdown, Pandemic, Disease.


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