Human Resource Information System isn't new idea yet it is recuperating step by step with the dynamic condition of business. It has a significant job in the Human Resource Department in any association. The exploration is experimental in nature, constituting the reactions of 72 respondents from HR representatives of associations of IT sector. The overview is finished with the assistance of a poll. After the investigation it was inferred that HRIS has many bit of leeway, it can without much of a stretch fill in as a database for different HR capacities like Human Resource Planning, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, and so on. The general commitment of HRIS is that it helps in managing different vital activities of HR division productively and successfully. This paper intends to explore on the subject human resource information system to build up the momentum collection of information, in such manner, the specialists propose some promising roads for future research and the examination comprises of a systematic survey of 155 alluded articles on human resource information system. The findings add to an increasingly comprehensive perspective on the theme and supplement the investigation of human resource information system. Additionally, a reasonable structure is suggested that targets guiding and informing future research activities. This examination may not empower a total inclusion of all articles in the field of human resource information system. In any case, in view of the chose research philosophy, it appears to be sensible to accept that the audit procedure secured a huge portion of concentrates accessible. Furthermore, in addition, as far as author could possibly know, there is no systematic audit on human resource information systems recently distributed in scholarly diaries.


KEYWORDS: HR, Human Resource, IT Information System, Sector, Information Innovation.


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