Women are playing a very vital role in our society. They are sacrificing a lot for their family and help in creation of new generation people in a continuous process. In past years they are being restricted by their family members for not to go outside and to remain all time present at home. But in now a day the concept and and that type of perception has been totally changed. In present scenario the role and contribution of women are equal or more than as compare with men, because the responsibility of men are to earn money for family only but the women are also earning money as well as taking all the responsibilities for each and every members of their family and for development and growth of their family and that ultimately leads to development of society. Over the period women entrepreneurship has contributing a lot for development of economy in our nation and for maintaining stability in our society. Due to high cost of living only male members in the family are not able to meet all the needs and requirement of the family so for that reason the dual income concept has been developing and women members are coming to the business marker for starting any business and for satisfying the needs of their family to some possible extent. Here the objectives are to study the contributions of women entrepreneurship in the economical development of our country, the various schemes, initiatives and policies framed by the government for sustainable growth and development of women entrepreneurship and the various challenges and problems faced by them in current market scenario.


KEYWORDS: Women Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, Per Capita Income.


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