The past few decades, environmental protection has become a very important issue in, loss of biodiversity, land, soil degradation, acid rain, carbon from chlorine fluorine depletion of the ozone layer, and there are more significant environmental issues. As a result, customers have a growing interest in environmental protection and sustainable development. Customers who decide to use that environmentally safe and wholesome product. The main objective of this study was to awareness of consumer eco-friendly Packaged Food Products and environmental knowledge of the respondents, the level of attention also to examine the attitude of eco-friendly Packaged Products. The study was conducted in the four administrative zones i.e., (Ambala, Rohtak, Hisar and Gurgaon.) of Haryana State and data is collected by face to face interviews and e-mail questionnaires of two sample 100. Analysis of variance analysis and percentage, as a data of analysis tool. The results of this study show that the product label and outdoor advertising is the main source of knowledge of environmentally friendly Packaged Products. Consumers are aware of environmentally friendly packaged food Products, and have a positive attitude for environment-friendly packaged food Products. It was found that the benefits of a lack of knowledge and do not know of an obstacle to the purchase of environmentally friendly Packaged Products. The Most of the respondents to buy Eco-friendly Packaged Food Products for health purposes. The study concluded that consumers aware of the virtues of Eco-Friendly Packaged food Products. But it is still a new concept for the majority. The new Eco-Friendly movement needs to reach the masses, which will require a lot of time and effort. Government, enterprises, mass, consumers have the right to join their hands together to make ecological balance.
Keywords: Eco-Friendly Packaged Food Products, Environmental Awareness, Consumer Awareness.