Are you an online network socialite? Do you Twitter about your Facebook status while listening to music? Do you check how many times your friends have noticed you online? How many likes did your status and photos get? If this is the case then you are a big user of social networking sites. Just a few years ago, the idea of an online social network was revolutionary. While the web has always provided a way for people to make connections with one another, social networking sites made it easier than ever to find old friends and make new ones. Today, it's rare to find someone who hasn't at least heard of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or one of a hundred other social networks. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the Pros and Cons of Social Networking sites, how SNS has put its effect on various sectors like, education, business, politics, personal, etc. Apart from this how can we avoid the negative aspects of SNS and take advantage of its positive aspects is also the main attraction of this paper.


KEYWORDSSocialite, Social Networking, SNS, Sustainable Development.


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