ISO 9001:2015


Education is only tool for all types of development even no one can imagine the development without education. “Education for all” is for most requirements for every nation. India is a country where level of education is low as compare to other developed countries. Half of the population is consist of female and for the development of a nation all human resources must be productive; so that optimum production can be achieved, hence education for female is as much necessary as education for male. It is established fact that the minimum level of education for all our socio- economic change is secondary level of education. Secondary level education for all sections of society including SC, ST and Girls are essential for optimum development of India. SC and ST groups of society are considered deprived in education in India. The gender inequality in education may also persist more in SC ST group. The paper attempts to analyses the gender gap in Secondary Education among SC and ST group. It compares that gender inequality between SC and ST group. The study estimate the gender inequality in Secondary Education in various States mint to design the strategy accordingly.


Keywords: Gender Inequality, Secondary Education, SC and ST Group. Equity, Equality.


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