In the field of management, strategic management involves The for mutation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by an organization’s top management on behalf of owners’ based on consideration of resource and assessment of the internal and external environments of the internal and  external environments in which the organization operates. Strategic management provides over direction to an enterprise and involves specifying the organization objective, developing policies and plans to achieve those objectives and then allocating resources to implements the plans. Academics and practicing mangers have developed numerous models and frame works to assist in strategic decision making in the context of complex environment is not static in nature. The models often includes a feedback loop to monitor execution and to in from the next poun of planning.

Michael Porte identifies There principles under buying go strategy:

  • Creating “unique and valuable position”
  • Making tradeoffs by choosing “ what not to do “
  • Creating “fit” by aligning company actives with one another to support the chosen strategy.
  • “Advanced technology helps to create over choice with respect to available goods, cultural products, services sub cults and life-styles. At the sometime over choice comes to characterize itself.” Alvin Tofler

This paper address several issues concerning E-commerce ( EC) strategic management today-First. We will frame EC in a strategic management context where competitiveness. Cost reduction productivity implements EC strategies. Next we will high light six important challenges companies must face where implementing Their EC strategies. How should Companies about

  • EC IT investment
  • Improve customer relationship management               
  • Improve competitiveness
  • Address EC security
  • Address EC legal issues and
  • Explore tax challenges of e-commerce

The people recommend practical course of option to men agers of the EC companies to improve their strategic decision and improve their EC operation.


KEYWORDS: Strategic Management, E-commerce, EC IT Investment, EC Security, EC Legal Issues.


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