Due to population growth and tremendous consumerism, exploitation of natural resources is at its peak. And we have an important obligation to protect the environment in front of us, when the whole world is uniting on the issue of Global Warming and Climate Change, because demanding more products means using more raw material. However, we can do our bit to save the environment by recycling products.Our greatest responsibility as a human being and society is to live in harmony with nature and according to that we have to mold our genre. Usually garbage comes from homes, markets, offices, educational institutions and hospitals. There is a straightforward chain for disposal - people put garbage in the specified places, the people of the municipality pick it out of the city and put them in the landfill outside the city or by burning or by other means. The best step taken in this direction is being proved. Garbage disposal, recycling, energy production from waste all these are called waste management. Recycling makes many consumer goods available again in the market, which is reducing the exploitation of natural resources. Recycling of aluminum, copper, steel, glass, paper and many types of plastics can be done. By recycling metals, many items are available in the market and demand reduces in mining according to demand.

By recycling the paper, at least as many trees can be cut to stopped. At the same time, the optimum utilization of the food used by the people is being made by changing the organic waste from the houses in the garbage disposal to bio compost and methane gas. While methane gas is the best source of energy, organic fertilization is important to naturally increase soil fertility. It also reduces dependence on farmers' artificial manure. Products made from organic composts get a good price in the market. During the primitive days, human kind used to discard their household waste such as trash, other worthless or defective items simply by digging a hole and burying them. This method was useful in those days because the population was relatively small and their needs were limited and they used to produce the waste on a small scale. Now days the situation become changed due to tremendous increase in human population and industrial development. Consequently, managing the colossal waste has become a very challenging task for the human being.


KEYWORDS: Consumerism, Organic Waste, Garbage Disposal, Organic Fertilization, Artificial Manure.


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