A marketing strategy is an overall game plan of a business for reaching people and converting them into customers of company’s products. The marketing strategy is a type of framed layout that explains the types and timing of marketing activities. Men and women are different in all ways, their taste and preferences are also differ from each other and respond to different marketing tactics.The female market has good potential but it is an under-developed opportunity, possibly it is on top in terms of opportunities, for those who really understand what women really want. Now day’s women are the key decision maker of families. Women have a separate language and a separate way to observe the products. According to Marti Barletta, author of Marketing to Women, women are the primary decision-makers in consumer goods segments in 85% of households. Women make 75% of decisions about buying new homes, and make 81% of the decisions about groceries. They influence at least 80% of all household spending. Women consumers have powerful demographic characteristics. If women like a brand they remain loyal o that brand for long time. Company does not need to be a cosmetics company to cater to female customer. In fact, it’s the opposite. According to Google, women are more likely to focus on how-to videos than beauty videos. Company marketing plan needs to include creating video content. If company does not have the resources for that don’t worry. Even planning for YouTube ads can work in company’s favor. The time women have spent watching ads on YouTube has more than doubled year over year.Women are multiple markets in one. Because women serve as primary caregivers for children and the elderly in virtually every society in the world, women buy on behalf of the people who live in their households, as well as for extended family (such as older parents and in-laws) and friends.Purchasing products from a brand you trust can be more of an emotional buy, and trust is one of the key factors to attracting the female shopper. If they know a product is good enough for their family and children, they will share that information with friends.


KEYWORDS: Strategy, Potential, Layout, Household, Caregiver, Marketing Strategy.


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