Business Initiative or start-ups are the entrepreneurial venture, which is newly emerged business that aims at meeting market demands or needs by developing a business model offering products and services. The models are designed so as that they are scalable. Often the model focuses on minting money and providing employment, but what is missed or not put on priority is the expense on which money is made. The major expense other than operational costs is environmental expenses. Ecopreneurship is the answer to this major environmental expense. Ecopreneurship not only focuses on making profits, but also on environment. This type of entrepreneurship can be called as environmental entrepreneurship. It is nowadays becoming more widespread as an approach where opportunities for improving environmental quality and capitalizing upon them for profit. In a way both ecopreneurs and entrepreneurs are similar. However, ecopreneurs go beyond consumerism, beyond minimum wages etc. They are more on Earth Mission. The challenge is to redesign material economy, so that it is compatible with the ecosystem. To mitigate this challenge we need to develop innovative technology. Most widespread examples are using of Solar Panels, recycle waste fluids or water, Eco-tourism, waterless washing machine, compostable container packaging (zero packaging models) & Keep cup mission etc. Hence, therefore along with promoting entrepreneurship, it is equally important to promote and support Ecopreneurship for healthy and sustainable environment. The terms eco-entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship (sustainopreneurship), Green entrepreneurship, sustainable business, green business are all expression of one and the  same trend- to create businesses where sustainability is the core mission and reason for existence of the business.


KEYWORDS: Environmental Exps., Environmental Entrepreneurship, Earth Mission, Material Economy.


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