Corporate social responsibility (CSR) also known as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, and some time responsible business and corporate social opportunity. It is a thought of school where organizations think about the interests of society by taking responsibility for the influence of their activities on consumers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment of the nation. This compulsion and duty is seen to expand beyond the constitutional duty to obey with legislation and sees organizations willingly taking further steps to develop the quality of life for workers and their families as well as for the society at large.

The perform CSR is much debatable topic as it for both who are in favor and criticism. The supporters says that there is a strong business situation for CSR, in that companies benefit in several ways by functioning with a prospect wider and bigger than the company’s own direct, short-term profits. While the critics says that CSR diverts from the core economic role and responsibilities of businesses; some others says that it is not more than apparent attractive display of the companies; still others experts says that it is an effort to anticipate the role and responsibilities of governments as a regulatory over powerful multinational corporations.

Corporate social responsibility has to be a strategic issue for organizations and HR professional needs to play a main role in supporting corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR remain minor interest for HR persons even they are well placed to improve corporation by encouraging trust based relationship with employees as well as with stakeholders. The reliability of CSR is dependent on efficient delivery of communication at recruitment, training and regular communication of current transform in the organization's plan. Ethical obligation to the corporate policies and remain to promises lead to corporate business success.


KEYWORDS: CSR, Private Sector, Business Contribution, Tata Group, ITC.


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