The aim of education is to make an individual and the society better is missing in its current form. In our haste to get everybody educated, we somewhere forget to consider the importance of the education. The wide spreading unemployment is the result of passion among the educated youth for ‘white collar jobs'. Insufficient awareness and lack of vocational guidance are some of the other key factors which enhanced the unemployment. Very tough struggle for survival is going on in the world to find a suitable employment after finishing the higher education. To earn handsome remuneration has become the sole motive for most of the youth while choosing a profession. This lust is the basic cause for their failure in life. They don’t prefer a career suitable either to their capability or the aptitude. The outcome is the increasing criminal activists and activities for quick money. Therefore it is essential to provide young men and women with educational as well as vocational guidance. This in turn will help them, to choose a profession suitable to their capability and aptitude. Thus, the problem of unemployment will also get solved.


KEYWORDS: Education, Unemployment, Youth, White Collar Jobs, Quick Money.


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