Advertising is a very important medium to disseminate the information floated by advertiser about his goods or service. It is a direct means through which he connects with the consumer. Surrogate advertising is very effective as it introduce a new product in the name of some prior existing product. Therefore, it works as a brand extension for the product. However, it is misused by the various advertisers in order to promote such products which are being banned by the government to be advertised. Surrogate advertising is the advertising of some restricted product in the disguise of some permitted product. It is also known as indirect advertising. In India, there is an important role of self regulation in the advertising industry. The advertisers use surrogate advertising in order to avoid these regulations. This Paper focuses on Surrogate advertising used in India, review of literature, present laws on surrogate advertising, what measures we should take in order to curb it.


KEYWORDS: Surrogate Advertising, Indirect Advertising, Unholy Trinity, Golf Accessories.


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