Women play active role in the economic development of the country. Earlier their role is only limited to household activities. The present educational and infrastructural facilities have encouraged women to occupy prominent positions in the corporate world. To lead a comfortable living and self-satisfaction, women are working hard to get a balance between their personal and work life. The reconciliation of work and family life has received a lot of attention in the recent years. Expanding work hours coupled with the influx of married women with young children, the rise of the dual earner family and the growing number of diverse family structures brings to the forefront the complex realities of work-life conflict.  Hence, it has become very difficult to meet the family demands. So, women are playing a dual role, that of a breadwinner as also a homemaker. All this puts an extra pressure on women employees. Besides, people today are more likely to express a strong desire to have a harmonious balance between career, family life, and leisure activities. Finally, the globalization of the workforce is one of the most significant trends that will affect workers in the next century. In this context, the present study is undertaken to address the following question i.e. what factors are responsible for work-life conflict of women doctors in Salem city? This study is confined to the women doctors in Salem city. The researchers have adopted convenience sampling. The sample consists of 50 women doctors in Salem city. As an essential part of the study, the primary data were collected from 50 women doctors with the help of questionnaire. In order to analyze the work-life conflict of women doctors, student t test, analysis of variance, co-efficient of variation, multiple regression analysis, and percentage analysis were employed. The findings of this study bring to light that there exists work-life conflict among the women doctors. Lack of personal counseling, absence of relaxation exercises, self-defeating behaviors, poor family support, lack of flexible work schedule, lack of career counseling and training, lack of interpersonal relationship, more work load and lack of supportive work environment are the reasons for the work-life conflict of women doctors in doctors. Ensure a positive outcome; attention to the factors identified in the suggested framework is important for reducing the work-life conflict of women doctors.

KEYWORDSWork-Life Conflict, Work-Life Balance, Work-Family Interface, Career Counseling.


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