India has made remarkable steps on the agricultural front during the last three spans. Much of the acknowledgment for this victory should go to the numerous million small farming families that make the pillar of Indian agriculture and economy. Agricultural policy of a country is mostly designed by the Government for raising agricultural creation and efficiency and also for raising the level of income and standard of living of farmers within a certain period. This policy is framed for the development of the agricultural sector. In India, the main objectives of agricultural policy are to remove the key difficulties of agricultural segment related to inappropriate and unproductive uses of natural resources and irrelevant growth of co­operative farming. Agriculture is one of the significant strengths of Indian economy. Agriculture has distinct implication for little revenue, deprived and helpless sectors of pastoral civilization.  India's agriculture policy attempts to guarantee that farming is lucrative and farm prices are steady over guaranteed minimum support prices (MSP) to farmers and confirming subsidized food access to underprivileged consumers through the Public Distribution System (PDS) [Pingali et al., 2017]. Since the initial 1990s, India has experienced considerable economic strategy reform and economic growth. Though reforms in agricultural policy have wrapped those in other segments, they have nevertheless shaped a rather additional economic alignment.

  • Purpose of Research: In this study, we appraise the fortification and provision against disfortification of cultivation in India as well as to get the explanations of suffering of farmers. Our methodology involves inspecting market price support (MPS) for various crops
  • Design/Methodology/Approach: The article is developed reviewing the existing literature as well as on Agricultural Policies
  • Findings: An important finding from the study is that Price controls may be used to assist farmers. Consideration should also be given to well-adjusted practice of nutrients.
  • Originality/Value: In this paper, there is an effort to offer indication on how subsidizing agribusiness may reassure farmers to endure on the land-living and get certain revenue which might be pertinent to a third world nation with many farmhand farmers.


KEYWORDSPolicy, Agricultural Policy, Subsidizing, Rural Poverty, Farmers, Farming System.


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