Globalization has resulted in transforming the working world by transforming the interaction of social and cultural elements. An imbalance and disequilibrium is witnessed around the world in professional and personal lives of employees. Now-a-days, employees have got too busy in making a living that they do not have time to make a living. Moreover, surge in demands at workplace, tenseness of loss of employment, rising pressure of work due to unceasing work, rise in family expectations etc. are some of the influencers that have made work-life balance a complex affair. An overall physical and mental health of employees has been affected and degradation of family-life has been experienced. If attempts are made collectively by the employees and organization to eliminate this imbalance, it will not only favor the employee, but in turn benefit the organization as well. By introducing work-life balance to the employee, the organization will encounter lower day offs, belatedness and rate of workforce turnover. Therefore, it is essential to develop such an environment which would help to manage the work and family of an employee together. However, this study lays emphasis on finding remedies to cope with the challenges such as achieving a balanced work-life and managing personal and professional life in a sustainable way.


KEYWORDSWork-Life Balance, Challenges, Influencers, Remedies, Globalization.


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