21st century has been defined by application of and advancement in Information Technology. Information Technology has become an integral part of our daily life. Information Technology can be defined as "The study, design, development, support or management of computer based information systems. Various technologies like Cloud computing, Mobile computing, social Media are growing very   fast. Cloud computing enable us to share hardware and software resources as a service over the internet on the pay per use basis with any user over the Globe. Mobile   computing   helps   us   to   access   and   process data on handheld mobile devices like smart phones, I-Pads etc. Social Media is also contributing to make this world a better place to live by raising issues of social importance. In this paper we will discuss about the various trends of information and communication technology like Cloud  Computing, Mobile  Computing, social  Media  and  Internet  of things(IOT) that is evolving very rapidly and also discuss their role in professional and social life.

KEYWORDSInformation Technology, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Social Media.


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