Under one of most important HR tools comes one of the most important fundamental function of HRM in the organization which is the performance appraisal. It emphasizes on what an organization values and rewards. This gives direction to employees to work in a certain ways to achieve specified objectives. In an organization with cum effective performance appraisal is about to have a sense judgment of everyone & of everything happening around him, here lies the success of an organization. Post to the introduction of performance appraisal system to used the informal standards to check the employee tendency towards his job. But it is not so happening or not so encouraging thing for cum employee, as it does not motivate an employee as which could have been recognized if some proper tools would have been available for measuring g employee standard of work. As the trend fashion, taste, standard of living, usage, demand, is increasing day by day towards technological and social upliftment society is grooming. New tasks are assigned to employees with higher degree of expectation of its successful completion. So standard of a fined nature was required for a healthy their business & its environment. Performance appraisal plays a crucial role and is significant to in the overall development of human resource. As a result the performance appraisal has become very significant and its positive effect also has constructing influence in organizational efficiency and productivity.


KEYWORDSTraining and Development, Job Rotation, Promotions, Motivation, Job Satisfaction.


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