“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be Transformational”–

George Couros

                It is no secret that a good education has the power to change a life. What is new is the demand for that change. We no longer are contented with a peaceful life;we want a life full of changes & challenges. And to keep abreast with these changes, we keep filling ourselves with every information & knowledge we get our hands on. A section of the society (News Channels, News Papers, Internet, Bloggers, Messages circulated through various electronic media) works aggressively day in& day out to gather & display every piece of information; at the same time, another section (the consumer) devours this information with an ultimate objective to utilize it as & when needed.

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                From student & teacher’s point of view, this accumulation & sharing of information is considered as part of Education; others flaunt it as general knowledge or awareness. Books always impart that which is long-gone, whereas electronic media reports that which is too recent or happening live. That feeling, “that I have the latest news, I am updated”, makes you a star& that is what everybody is striving for.  Therefore, Technology-driven Education is taking precedence over books. But everything has its advantages & disadvantages; & Technology is no exception. In this paper, we will discuss more in detail about the purpose of the education; why technology-driven education is being preferred over books; its advantages & disadvantages & also its socio-economic impact on the common man.


Keywords: Education, Life, Books, Technology, Knowledge, Growth, Society, Economy, Interaction.


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