Men and women approaches same problem with different dimensions. They both consider different approaches in their buying behaviour. Consumer buying behaviour is influenced by multiple factors as Psychological (motivation, perception, learning and attitudes), Social (family. Peers, reference groups, status), Cultural (cultures and sub-cultures), Demographical (age, gender, occupation and lifestyles), Personal and Economical (personal income, family income, saving) Out of these factors, one of the major factors that influence consumer-buying decision is ‘GENDER’. This paper aims to depict the degree to which gender influence the buying decision for apparel. In this study has made to understand the significant differences between the shopping frequency of both male and female regarding clothes. The study throws light on the buying pattern of male and female with respect of five attributes as Brand, Fashion, Discount, Price and Quality. This study has done on 78 consumers including 46 female and 32 male. The results would be beneficial for marketer to determine the market strategies for their potential consumers. On the basis data collected through online survey and some secondary sources, this study concludes that women were influence by fashion and quality while men were influence by brands.
Keywords: Buying Behaviour, Gender Differences, Apparel Purchasing, Brand Awareness.