The Balanced Score Card (BSC) is a new concept of assessing management’s performance looking at strategic measure rather than traditional financial measures. It is a system to look on both high-level strategic as well as on low-level strategic measures. Its aim is to set the balanced scorecard in a quite different way from the other performance measurement methodologies. Traditionally, the corporate sector used to measure their performance that how much profit they are earning. Though the financial measures are definitely matters but they provide only a part of the picture, other perspective also quite important for the measurement of an entity as a whole. BSC provides four different perspectives to measure the performance of an organization,- Financial, Internal Business Process, Customer, ‘Learning and Growth’. Each of these perspectives focuses in different-different area of performance, which gives a balanced view of a business entity. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is kind of business framework which is used to track and manage the strategies of a business organization. It is used to make balance between lagging and leading indicators.



Keywords: Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Internal Business Process, Lagging and Leading.


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