The purpose of the studyis to analyse the present status of adventure tourism in Indiato work out the SWOT and to provide suggestions based on the analysis to capitalize the promising market segment. Descriptive and exploratoryresearch has been performed. This research is based on various secondary sources like articles, government reports, international reports, research papers and literature on adventure tourism. Adventure tourism allows tourist to explore the undiscovered destinations. It holds a promising future for a geographically pulsating country like India. An upsurge in adventure tourism have been witnessed due to the initiatives taken by ministry of tourism like establishment of mountaineering institute, adventure summit, development of peaks etc. The system is found underdeveloped in terms of infrastructure and suffers from limited supply potential and hence steps must be taken in laying down the appropriate infrastructure and expanding its reach. On global front, India miss the mark in terms of foreign tourist arrival rate as it is low as and when compared to domestic tourist arrival rate. India needs to take sturdier steps in this direction to explore the hidden potential of this revenue streaming arena through better planning and marketing. Disintermediation and rising competition trend is what needs to be taken care of while chalking out the plan. This paper will prove as an insightful text for the government in boosting the adventure tourism industry. The suggestions stated will help in making congenial future policies.  

                Environment Sustainability steps should be taken to ensure the serenity of the environment which will ensure sustainable traffic of adventure tourists. In the adventure pleasing environment safety must be ensure by conducting proper inspection administering the implementation of safety guidelines across various states. Various training programmes at an affordable price can be run by the state or central government in this directionthat will ensure a sheer image of tour operators and confidence of the tourists as well. Like other nations India as well can capitalize its vibrant topography for adventure purpose by promoting the country with a slogan. Classifying the adventure activities into no growth, mature and growing activitieswill help in making apt strategy suitable to each classification in respect of focus needed, marketing efforts, fund allotment etc. Increased connectivity must be ensured.Reliable internet connectivity across the country will help boosting the adventure tourism as it is very essential to tailor a product according to the needs and preferences of the customer.


KEYWORDS: Adventure Tourism, Present Condition, Adventure Activities, JEL Classification: L83.


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