The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector is a vital supporter of India’s GDP and it is the fourth largest section of the Indian economy. Worldwide, the FMCG sector has been successful in selling goods to the lower and middle-income groups, and the same is true in India. Over 70% of sales are made to middle class households nowadays and over 50% is in rural India. The sector is excited about a growing rural population whose incomes are increasing and which is ready to spend on goods designed to improve lifestyle. Additionally with a close immersion and relentless challenge in urban India, numerous makers of FMCGs are headed to chalk out intense new systems for focusing on the country buyer in a big way. FMCG Industry in India is seeing a change– an adjustment in the example in which it is developing – obviously, with the evolving socioeconomics, the example of showcasing would likewise change. As rural penetration increases, the rural markets would demand more and more share of the overall FMCG space. Though the urban markets are rising too, the incremental addition in consumers / households is much more in rural space as compared to urban markets. There for a relative study is made on expansion of FMCG’s market. This paper will provide in depth information about the growth of FMCG industry in India and investigate the challenges, opportunities for the FMCG’s industry with growing understanding and brand awareness among people across different socio-economic classes in India.

KEYWORDSFMCG, Rural Market, Consumer, Socio-Economic Classes, Indian Economy.


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