Raw material is very important in ceramics in various aspects. It is one of the most decisive factors for the quality of a product. Roughly speaking, half of the quality of a product is determined by the characteristics of raw materials in the current production technology. Use of proper raw material is critical for producing ceramics of high quality at a minimal cost. Technologically, the raw powder sets a fair starting point for industries. Raw materials of high quality are in the market, and are equally available for all users for their disposal. Proper selection of raw powders and their post-treatment is critical for successful competition in the market. A variety of factors affects the characteristics of raw powders. Information on the product specification as well as their production method is very important in the proper selection of raw material Post-treatments such as grinding, mixing and classification also have critical effects on the characteristics. Their effects must be considered carefully to control and also to understand the characteristics of raw powders.

KEYWORDSRaw Material, Minimal Cost, Raw Powders, Materials Cost Management.


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