Good corporate governance is responsible and targeted management process in any business .it is an integral part of business processes. It is designed to strengthen &trust in company to increase in value. Good corporate governance increases the model transparency and it is responsible in conduction of trust. Main Aim is to ensure about business activities which are aligned to values and moral as well as ethical principles. The International Federation of Inspection Agents (IFIA) generally issues a Compliance Codes for the business. They define the standards. India is on the way to get opportunities offered by organic agriculture to exploring the true potential in today’s world. Efforts of farmers, NGO, government rules & regulations, Policies and market forces have taken up the organic agriculture to prime stage in Indian agriculture. So the lot of efforts is being done by farmers to meet the requirements of organic and to adopt the organic farming in practice, although this has helped to great extent to achieve the target of food security to protect the soil health. The major reasons of inclination of consumers towards the organic food include growing awareness about environmental protection and sustainable agricultural practices will be adopted in future. It reduces the adverse impact of chemicals in soil, environment and human health. The organic food products offer profitable business and they can make opportunities to get higher price v/s conventional food product in the domestic as well as export markets.  “We are what we consume”. The main objective of this paper is to understand the impact of quality assurance and the related certification for the positive perception inside. Quality assurance system can be used as a prime factor for the evaluation of strategic marketing for the organic food industry. The following subjects are evaluated for Methodology purpose –typology of products with their quality attributes, impact of quality attributes on performance of related firms and the factors determining willingness to pay a price premium. Research design has been taken descriptive and analytical for describing the inclination of consumers towards the organic food and agencies involved in certification of organic food. It concerned with specific predictions for the growth of industry with the help of government initiatives in future. Findings show that the quality is directly positively related with sales growth& margins. The important benefit of quality certification is:

  • It increases market shares
  • It Provide access to rapid market.

The important factors of consumers’ willingness to pay price premium to purchase organic food products are:

  • Socio-demographic characters,
  • Perceived quality & risks.

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Organic Food, Organic Farming, Agricultural Revolution.


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