ISO 9001:2015


Dr. Anil. P V

Among the beverages in India, tea (Camillia Sinensis) is a popular one amidst myriads population verities in India. Caffeine being the popular stimulant, tea is considered as crucial drink, much amalgamated in to the popular culture of India. The concept of ‘tea time’ has been merged in to the Indian culture right from time of British Raj who had used larger vistas of their colonial land for tea cultivation. Also, there exists a reference from ancient Indian History regarding the consumption of tea where it is used by King Harshavadhanan to keep himself vigilant in the course. There are several reasons in India for tea industry becoming one of the stale agro-based industries. In India, around one billion of its population have been estimated as tea devouring people so that the nation hardly get a chance to be an exporter as 70 percent of the total production are consumed within the state itself. No wonder India has been positioned first among the tea manufacturing countries in the world.  Indian tea factories are at the verge of my pitfalls. Early mellowing of the herbs, a hike in the production cost, unsteadiness market price etc. can be considered as some of the reasons. Earlier times, there were two successive periods in price variations one can be marked by a sudden uplifting which is comparatively shorter than the next period which is longer where just the upside down thing happens that is a depression in the price. So the futurists in this area have opinioned that the tea industry will sum up into a fluctuating trend. It is mainly because the above mentioned reasons (along with their mode of operation that is agrarian in nature, long dormancy period, unsteadiness in price value and various other minor reasons)are not showing any signs of change even to a slight degree. In this article, the researcher is indented to conduct a review of the plight of tea industries and plantations within the area of study. The study also extends into different kinds of developments, either long term or short term, in the tea manufacturing area, its consumption, and also the issues related to its export. Moreover it also deals with various studies market strategies, how a market has organized and various other factors that can be adopted for the promotion of tea.

KEYWORDSTea Production, Consumption, Gap, Market Strategies, Dormancy Period


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