Industrial development is an important contributor to the development of a country. There are three pillars of economic development of any country. Also known as the three sector of economic development. These are primary sector, secondary sector and third are service sector. Tourism is big industry. Currently Indian tourist sector is increasing by 9.7% .Rajasthan is also making a lot of progress in this region. In Rajasthan the number of foreign tourist in the year 2017 has increased by 6.36%. But Rajasthan has more seasonal variations in the field of tourism. From July to September, there is an increase in the number of tourist in Rajasthan, this increase is 34% in a year. While in the other quarter, tourists come to visit a small number in Rajasthan. These reasons will be discussed in the research paper that why the number of tourists in the other quarter decreases and also find out what the impact of consumers income on tourists during this period. The primary objectives of the research paper are analysis the marginal propensity to save towards tourism.
KEYWORDS: Industrial Development, Economic Development, Service Sector, Tourist Sector.