Training is a technique that thrives to improve skills and enhance the existing level of knowledge, to make employee efficient to do his current and future job more effectively. It is a process of developing in oneself, requisite skills, knowledge and right attitude that directly contributes to one’s competencies, personality and proficiency. The current paper attempts to dig an insight on the role of Pull Training strategies to build an Hi-impact Learning Cultures where organizations make learning a crucial element of their business success, empower employees to steer their own learning, to make knowledge sharing an organizational habit. In the situation of rapid change, only those organizations which are flexible and adaptive to the environment tend to excel. In a hyper-competitive, intricate and volatile business environment, organizations are constantly driving their employees to perform and deliver better so that they bring more to the table. Hence, it becomes completely imperative for the business leaders to involve and invest in creating a high-impact workplace learning culture by making continous learning an essential ingredient for overall organizational development.
Keywords: Hi-impact Learning Culture, Knowledge Sharing, Pull Training Strategies.