Information technology has been playing a vital role in marketing and financial sector. It gives benefit to the consumer and seller; e-commerce gives challenges to traditional business. Developing countries also face some problems. E-commerce provides to every customer smooth and services and it also provides many options of payment on online. Other benefit that it expands the edges of the business at global level, but it can also face many challenges in developing countries. 
KEYWORDS:  Information Technology, Financial Sector, E-commerce, Global Level. 

Introduction E- Commerce started in 1995.Now a day it is very popular. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services on the internet. More than that internet is also use for a source of information for comparing prices or look at the products on offers which and latest product before purchasing it online or from retail stores. For many more purpose E commerce is useful. For working out the transaction it requires the digital instrument. Digital instruments are instrument that can be delivered over the digital network. E-commerce is rapidly transforming the way which enterprise is collaborating among each other as well as with government and consumer. Now a day’s technologies are also designed to commercial transaction using the internet have also increases. However, India has not yet achieved an ideal word of secure and fully safe transaction utilizing the internet and technologies. Ecommerce has been given the many opportunities for developing countries to take huge advantages in multilateral trading system. The use of digital instrument like internet, smart phone, tabulate are rapidly increases and become popular. With social media growing rapidly in these days’ conversations of the consumers and seller has been more increases and make easy to buying and selling the goods and services. It gives benefit to the companies, businessmen, government, seller and consumer in developing countries by increasing the control over the place in supply chain and all over the market.

Why E-commerce?

       With the rapidly growing the usage of ICTs and more specifically, the internet, E-commerce and global business community is moving toward (B2B) business to business. Seller and buyer both gain the clear advantages of global market. It also gives the awareness of substitute products. With the transparency of the market, customer can compare the various goods and services of E-commerce. Goods and services which are purchased by customer and they are not satisfied with it they can also change the product:

  • To know the advantages of E -commerce  
  • To identify the challenges of E-commerce 

Research Methodology

        This paper has been written on the basis of secondary data. The secondary data, journals, research papers, magazines, daily newspaper were collected from published book journals, internet and official documents. 


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