Skill development is a powerful tool to empower individual and improve their social acceptance. It must be complemented by economic growth and employment opportunity to meet the sizing aspirations to youth. Academic and Qualification are not our only important requirement. We will accept you to have taken on position of leadership and responsibility and show real ability to take initiative (Marks and Spence) Changes in the structure of the Indian economy and Labour market have made skill more important to have in order to generate the best outcome. There are many Opportunities available to learn in India shortage of hard skill and shortage of suitable employ abilities including soft skill are some of the key reasons in finding a suitable candidate for available jobs in the country. Employability of the growing young demography is an important factor in India. 

Following are the reasons to develop employability skills: 

  • To improve the transition from full time education into employability.
  • For promoting career advancement.
  • To move unemployment people into sustainable work.
  • To reduce the barriers to social mobility.

Even every level role in many industries requires base level qualification By skill development programme employment opportunity become wider. 
KEYWORDS:  Employability, Employment, Opportunities, Skill Development, Economy Growth.

Introduction “We seem to be going the wrong way. You start with’ make in India: what can you can make in India? Unless you are able to complete with what is made in China, Korea, Finland or whatever. You have to make in India what is equal to or better than what is made in the rest of the world.” Chidambaram said. Skill development raise Confidence, improves productivity and gives direction through proper skill development programme. It is also high time now measures are taken to improve the physical and mental development of the youths of the country so that none of them remains unemployment and the country’s unemployment problem also get reduced. One of important areas for concern for our economy is full employment. Employability of various qualified youngsters churned out of our educational system. It is the responsibility of our Government for co-ordination of all skill development efforts across the country, removal of disconnect between demand and supply of skilled manpower, building the vocational and technical training framework, skill up gradation, building of new skills and innovative thinking not only for existing jobs but also jobs that are to be created. 


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