Motivation plays a crucial and significant role. Motivation has positive effect on the efficiency and performance of employees. It increases job satisfaction and brings stability in the workforce. The significance of motivation in the workplace is very high because it puts human resources into action and improves level of efficiency and job satisfaction. Motivation is a bunch of internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy to the employees to be continually interested in and committed to the job. There are many theories of motivation. Some claim that the role of social processes in the organization is vital, as long as the need of belongingness is more important than money. Others consider organizational reward system as a possibility to motivate employees. There is no one correct approach to motivation. Every individual has its own “need theory” and that is why knowing that how to motivate employees is very important in managerial practice. 

In the view of above facts our present project work is aimed at throwing light on the various motivational practices and its impact on employee’s satisfaction and performance, and consequent result thereof. There are several other factors, no doubt, which have far rich influence on human resource management and some of the factors are highly crucial in effect but with the growing development of the idea, industrial units are facing worldwide competition. As a result, the motivated and satisfied workforce has become very significant and its positive effect also has constructing influence on organizational efficiency. In this paper we would like to emphasis on Impact of motivational practices on job satisfaction and productivity. 
KEYWORDS:  Motivation, Job Satisfaction & Productivity, Motivational Practices, Productivity.

Introduction Employees are backbone of any organization. The success of every organization largely depends upon their employees. Employees are vital for the success and failure of the organization. Generating positive behavior of the employee is essential for creating congenial atmosphere and restoring the industrial peace in the organization. Employees in any organization need something to keep them working. The study of human motivation is of great importance in any theory of management. Human is an organic system, not a mechanical one. The input of energy such as food, water, rest, environmental conditions etc are converted by him into the outputs of behavior. This behavior is determined by relationship between his characteristics as organic system and the environment in which he moves. Management involves creation and maintenance of environment for performance of individuals working together in group towards accomplishment of organizational objectives and, therefore, the manger cannot perform his function without knowing what motivates people. 


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