Mutual fund is the most prolific way to manage investment for small and medium investor. Funds to be invested come from assets already owned, borrowed money and savings. By foregoing consumption today and investing their savings, investors expect to enhance their future consumption possibilities by increasing their wealth. Generally, the primary concern of an investor is to minimize risk while maximizing return. This research is analytical research. The focus of the study is to evaluate the various schemes of mutual fund. The return on investment is always associated with risk.   
KEYWORDS: Mutual Fund, Beta, NAV, Borrowed Money, Consumption Trends.

Introduction Financial requirement of an individual finds no boundaries. Every individual aims at maximizing the flow of income from whatever source possible. The most interesting activity undertaken by an individual to fulfill this objective is to undertake investing. It is a very interesting activity which attracts people from all walks of life irrespective of their occupation, economic status, education and family background. Investment means employment of funds on assets with the aim of earning of income or capital appreciation. The two main factors that influence investment decisions are time and risk. Investment is the allocation of money to assets that are expected to yield some gain over a period of time. The main criteria for investment are the expected return, risk involved, and liquidity as well as safety of investment.    

In contrast to olden days when family businesses were dominating the economy, the liberalization of economy has paved way for many businesses to enter the field of competition. With the impact of globalization, companies are now into intense competition. Diversification of business has become order of the day. Such expansion decisions have made the companies to mobilize funds from the public. For this purpose, companies issue securities in various forms like shares, debentures, bonds etc. General public has various avenues to invest their funds and they choose an avenue which satisfies their needs by giving maximum returns on investment, security of funds and social security. Funds to be invested come from assets already owned, borrowed money and savings. By foregoing consumption today and investing their savings, investors expect to enhance their future consumption possibilities by increasing their wealth. Generally, the primary concern of an investor is to minimize risk while maximizing return.  

About the Company HDFC was incorporated as a public limited company on October 17, 1977 under the Companies Act, 1956 and received a certificate of commencement of business on December 3, 1977. Its registered office is situated at Ramon House, 169, Back bay Reclamation, H. T. Parekh Marg, Mumbai 400 020, Maharashtra, India. The equity shares of HDFC were listed on BSE in 1978 and NSE in 1996. The equity shares of HDFC are currently listed on NSE and BSE. 


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