The objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of brand image and promotional mix on consumer buying decision. The Descriptive survey of research design was adopted as the study guide. The Judgmental and purposive sampling techniques were used in research instrument were administered to dairy product consumers in Rajasthan. The questionnaire were filled and returned. Pearson Product Moment correlation was used to analyze the data generated from the respondents. The findings revealed that brand image, advertising, sales promotion and personal selling have significant influence on consumer buying decision. The study concluded that the way a product is promoted coupled with the brand integrity of such product encourages consumers to purchase it and make repeat purchase of it, and as well enhances the referral of such product to other prospects. The study therefore recommended to the organizations, especially those that engage in the marketing of the fast-moving consumer goods, dairy products to focus on distinct promotional mix, as the study empirically proved that perception of brand image is capable of influencing consumer buying decision on sustainable basis. It is also recommended that each marketing company should adopt a combination of marketing mix, promotional mix that can bring about distinct outcomes in terms of turnover, improved market share, customer retention, profitability, and productivity among others.   
KEYWORDS: Advertising, Brand Image, Consumer Buying Decision, Personal Selling, Marketing Mix.

Introduction The dairy industry is one of the most important components of the world food system, and is undergoing dramatic change at the current time. Currently processes of change are being driven by a wide range of forces including shifts to the regulatory environment for dairy production and trade, technological changes to the production of milk and milk-products, rapidly shifting consumption trends, and the restructuring of transnational corporate strategies with regard to this sector. It is highly probable that within ten years, the global dairy industry will be scarcely recognizable from its current form in many respects the dairy industry occupies a special position among the other sectors of agriculture. Milk is produced every day and gives a regular income to the numerous small producers. Milk production is highly labor-intensive and provides a lot of employment. The dairy industry is the sector with the highest degree of protection due to the economically vulnerable position of small milk producers.  

Milk also known as white gold - can be used to make an enormous variety of high quality products. The high cost of milk as a raw material has necessitated a high-tech processing industry. The special nature of milk (perishable and bulky) leads to the necessity of strict and comprehensive quality regulation and to high transport costs. The large dependence of milk producers on the dairy processing industry has resulted in a strong position held by the co-operatives in milk marketing and in the processing industry. The Milk is regarded as the most important source of nutrient, vitamin and mineral provider for people across the world. It is regarded as a sea of calcium which helps people develop stronger bones and muscles. The universal significance of milk has never been under estimated and efforts have continuously been made to augment the production of pure milk for consumption in various forms. Milk contains most of the essential nutrients for the maintenance of the physical wellbeing. 


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