The purpose of marketing mix is customer satisfaction in return for profit and satisfying customer needs and meet the needs of his efficiency is identify needs, desires, tastes, attitude, expectations and desires of customers in buying. In this study has been studied the relationship between marketing mix and consumer behavior in dairy products. Statistical Society of research is all consumers of dairy products in Rajasthan also chain in rural and semi urban/urban area of Rajasthan. All the independent variables are positively and directly related to customer satisfaction. The relationship between marketing mix and customer satisfaction is significant. Therefore, the company should revisit the controllable marketing mix elements to satisfy the customer. The Statistical sample for this study is consumers of dairy products in Rajasthan the chain Shop of Saras dairy. The Data collection methods is field methods and data collection tool is a questionnaire designed by the researcher. Finally, descriptive and inferential statistical methods used to reject or confirm hypotheses include chi-square, Pearson, and correlation coefficient and Friedman.   
KEYWORDS: Marketing Mix, Marketing Mix, Product, Promotion, Place, Consumer satisfaction. 

Introduction The dairy industry is one of the most important components of the world food system, and is undergoing dramatic change at the current time. Currently processes of change are being driven by a wide range of forces including shifts to the regulatory environment for dairy production and trade, technological changes to the production of milk and milk-products. The Milk is regarded as the most important source of nutrient, vitamin and mineral provider for people across the world. It is regarded as a sea of calcium which helps people develop stronger bones and muscles. The universal significance of milk has never been under estimated and efforts have continuously been made to augment the production of pure milk for consumption in various forms. Milk contains most of the essential nutrients for the maintenance of the physical wellbeing.  

         Importance of Milk as Food The Milk is a dietary item. It is a complete balanced food. The high biological value of milk protein is an advantage not only for infants but also for adults. Milk from domestic animals and milk produced by human are an excellent food for human beings. The energy value of both humans and animal milk is similar. But it varies in its mineral and vitamin contents. It is not only an excellent food but also complements all other diets.


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