An entrepreneur is a one who not only plan and organizes the ventures but also often takes risks in while doing so. Entrepreneurs are ambitious to achieve success in their undertaking along with the potentials of a leader, resource allocator, manager, innovator, risk taker, decision maker, etc. and most significant is to enact all of these qualities into the venture. There are some entrepreneurs in India who are now called synonymous of ‘Success’. They envisage the bigger picture but started their business as a very small or small unit. Entrepreneurs set the example of turning their ideas into reality. The story behind to achieve the dreams into reality is to set enormous goals for themselves and stay devoted to achieving them regardless of the obstacles, with the determination towards attaining the ultimate goal. It looks like fascinating, attractive, and motivating after listening stories of the entrepreneurs, but triumph is not easy. India is the country of villages. Majority of the population in India lives in villages. People in rural areas suffer with unemployment, poverty, poor infrastructure facilities, etc. which may be solved with the development of the rural entrepreneurs. Rural entrepreneurs refer to those who carry out the business in rural areas with the utilization of local resources. Rural entrepreneurship is now-a-days a major opportunity for the people who migrates from semi-urban areas or rural areas to Urban areas. Rural entrepreneurship can be considered one of the solutions to reduce poverty, migration, unemployment, and to develop rural areas. Rural entrepreneurs may increase the standard of living and purchasing power of the rural people and bottom of pyramid by offering employment opportunity to the people in villages. This paper makes an attempt to find out the various problems and challenges for the potentiality of rural entrepreneurship. It focuses on the major problems faced by rural entrepreneurs.   
KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship, Opportunities, Rural Entrepreneurship, Bottom of the Pyramid.

Introduction  India is the country of villages; majority of the country’s population is living in rural areas. People in rural areas suffer with poverty, poor infrastructure facilities, unemployment, which may be solved with the development of the rural entrepreneurs. As Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report 2005, rural areas are affected by major challenges like reduced employment opportunities in primary industries and an aging population as a result of migration of young population to urban areas in search of employment opportunities. This also will discourage the migration of rural people to urban areas and reduce the congestion in cities.

Rural Entrepreneurship  The word “Entrepreneurship” is derived from French word “Entreprendre” which means to undertake. As per P.P. Drucker, “Entrepreneur is one who always searches for change responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity”. As per E.E. Hagen, “An entrepreneur is an economic man who tries to maximize his profit by innovations”. Entrepreneurship is the activity of an entrepreneur who starts a new venture by taking risk and initiative, creates useful asset for providing value to the customers. 


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