The Research paper focuses on impact and importance of cashless policy in India. According to Government of India the cashless policy will increase employment, reduce cash related robbery thereby reducing risk of carrying cash. Cashless policy will also reduce cash related corruption and attract more foreign investors to the country. In many countries introduction of cashless economy can be seen as steps in the right direction. It is expected that its impact will be felt in modernization of payment system, Reduction in the cost of banking service, Reduction in high security and safety risk and also curb banking related corruption. Electronic banking will be made banking transaction to be easier by bringing services closer to its customers hence improving banking industry performance. India has been using electronic payment system for many year now, However the retail sector still has predominance of cash transaction and payment through cash is yet to pick up card is the one of the most secure, convenient mode of cashless payment in retail market. The thought that the substantial quality of money impacts view of cash isn't novel, yet it is untested. This paper proposes that under states of money, there is mindfulness (cognizant/ oblivious) that an ownership of significant worth exchanged and this observation may well directly affect individuals' impression of cash and their spending conduct. 
KEYWORDS: Cashless Transactions, Awareness, Mobile Payments, Debit Cards, Credit Cards. 

Introduction Achieving cashless economy is one of the novel and ambitious programme of Government of India and is a part of Government drive to reduce the menace of black money, instances of fake currency, curb corruption, to bring more tax compliance. The success of this drive very much depends on the public, business community, banking system, bureaucrats support. The finance minister in 2016 budget speech talked about the idea of making India cash less economy with the aim of curbing the flow of black money. A cashless society means all the transaction are done using cards all digital means circulation of money or currency or coins is minimal. In study area people too much using cash for transaction comparing to other cities like Delhi etc. in this study area people are using small percentage of cards or digital means because of non-availability of internet connection and lack of financial literacy. Cashless transaction is a developmental process of a country. Most of the urban population has been adopted for making cashless transaction but rural population is having low awareness about it. To know the level of awareness about cashless transaction among rural peoples and how they are overcoming the problems faced by them while making cashless transactions. 

Review of Literature  Deepika Kumari, (2017), in her studies of Cashless Transaction: Methods, Applications and Challenges concluded that the as the demonetization applied by government of India, Government trying to aware its people for cashless transaction by various kinds of advertisement method but still a large number of people are awaiting for the introduction of cashless transaction. This paper is a study of cashless transaction its different methods, advantages and challenges. This paper will help to understand the basic of the cashless transaction.  


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