Real estate sector is one of the most pivotal sectors of the Indian economy. Real estate sector plays a vital role in employment generation in India. It ranks second just behind agriculture. The importance of Real estate sector can be understood with its average 5-6% GDP contribution and stimulating demand for more than 250 ancillary industries. GST would bring a lot of transparency in the real estate sector and minimize unscrupulous transactions. Under the current tax laws, VAT and Service tax charged by different Contractors and excise duty, entry tax, octroi is paid on the procurements. Supply chain mechanism in real estate sector to be revamped after implementation of GST.   
KEYWORDS: GST, Tax Reform, Construction, Property, Investment Transparency. 

Introduction The goods and service tax weekend if after April 1st July 2017.This is supposed to be the greatest tax reform of Indian economy. This new tax will transfer India into “one market, one nation, and one tax”. GST will replace most of indirect taxes with simpler tax on goods and services. There will be less taxes in the economy. Hence GST is working under “one tax” principal for whole economy so it will bring uniformity in Tax structure good and services will be availed at uniform price throughout the nation on the other hand it will decrease the price of goods and services by avoiding guess cascading effect GST will reduce tax burden on the consumers they will get fair prices. It will affect almost all the sectors of the economy from producers to consumers from big corporations to small vendors from rich to poor.In this context GST will affect industries also real estate is also an important factor of the economy which contribute about 5-6percent in GDP of the nation it is a wide sector having linkage with other industries like cement, iron and steel, sanitary, mining etc. so direct impact of other industries can be seen.GST impact on related industries will also affect real estate sector services of the Indian economy.

Research Problem The concept of Goods and Service Tax (GST) is one of the biggest tax reform of Indian economy. This research intends to focus on GST impacts of goods and service tax on real estate sector of the national economy.

Research Methodology The study focuses on study of primary data of GST provisions made by government. It includes secondary data also collected from journals, books, government publications related to GST. 


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