Work/life balance is investing equal amounts of time and energy between your work and your personal life. Work life balance means to give priority to your work or your family. The main objective of this paper is to identify all the main factors that influence the work life balance among women teaching professional in Present scenario. The research method will help in examining the various factors those results in work life imbalance. Factor Analysis is the statistical tool that has been used for data analysis. In analysis part initially KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) and Bartlett's Test was applied to the collected data. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy test shows the value of .633.The Principal Component Analysis extraction method was used to analyze the data with Varimax Rotation Method. The extracted communalities ranged from 0.603 to 0.833. For clarity of the factor definitions, factor loadings of more than 0.500 were considered. The factor analysis yielded 7 factors in all which explaining 77.068 percent of total variance. Applicative value: the vehicles to help provide attainment of personal and professional goals is work-life benefits and programs. Enabling employees to achieve a balance between their working lives and their lives outside work is a crucial issue today. This paper deals with  factors affecting work life balance among women teaching  professionals for which responses were sought from 100 professionals working in various colleges  in  Bangalore through a structured questionnaire.  JEL Classification: J22, J28, J81, M12.   
KEYWORDS: Teacher Work Life Balance, KMO Test, Bartlett’s Test, Factor Analysis, Varimax Rotation. 

Introduction  The term ‘work life balance’ was first coined in 1986 in the reaction to the unhealthy choices that many Americans working in favour of the work place, as they opted to neglect their family, friends and leisure activities in the pursuit of corporate goals. Work / life conflicts grabbed management’s attention in the 1980s largely as a result of the growing number of women with dependent children entering workforce. In response, most of the major organizations took actions to make their workplaces more family – friendly (Oglesby, 2004). They introduced programmes such as childcare, summer day camps, flexi time, job sharing, and leave for school functions, telecommuting and part time employment.  But organizations quickly realized that work / life conflicts were not experienced only by female employees with children. Female workers without children were also facing this problem. In application, work/ life balance is best viewed as a desired state rather than a sustained state of being. In general, it is elusive and difficult to maintain. The concept of work/life balance can serve as a measure of personal and professional focus. 


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