Welfare is another expression of well-being. Labour is a crucial factor of production. Healthy and congenial labour management relations are the prerequisite for efficient production. Labour Welfare measures are very important since they have strong impact on workers willingness to work and their productive capacity. During the 20th century, employers increased the economic security of employees by providing, in exchange for labour, benefits in addition to direct compensation. Apart from direct compensation, benefits encompass all other inducements and services provided by an employer to employees. The welfare services in an industry is to improve the living and working conditions of workers and their families because the workers well-being cannot be achieved in isolation of his family. It is well known that economy of India is passing through transitional phase where rural and agriculture based society is changing into urban and industry based economy. Labour welfare service is necessary to face problems being created by this transitional phase. The study has been conducted in Delhi & NCR.   
KEYWORDS: Labour Welfare, UNESCO, UAN, EPF Scheme, NCSP, RSBY. 

Introduction Many schools of thoughts have advocated for the labour welfare from time to time. Karl Marx has propounded the theory of surplus-value of production emphasizing the importance of labour to the capitalistic society. Further Adam Smith's Absolute theory and Ricardo's Comparative Cost Doctrine are mainly based on labour resources. Human asset is the main issue and reactant compels which implants life in different assets like cash and material. There have been breathtaking changes in the setting in which work is performed. The procedure of globalization pushes in innovation, expanded rivalry, work escalation, broadening of the workforce, expanded number of ladies in the workforce, and the obscuring of limits amongst work and family are a portion of the progressions that have affected the workplace. Given that people spend a significant proportion of their lives at work, changes in the work environment can have deep influence on their health and well-being, and consequentially on job and organizational performance so fostering a work culture that promote work-life balance, employee growth and development, health and safety, and employee engagement can be the key to achieving sustainable employee well-being and organizational performance. 

Welfare is another expression of well-being. Labour is a crucial factor of production. Healthy and congenial labour management relations are the prerequisite for efficient production. Labour Welfare measures are very important since they have strong impact on workers willingness to work and their 


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